Day 24

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
-Jn 10:10.
Jesus highlights the vulnerability of sheep who are defenceless against thieves or wild animals. We know how docile and timid sheep can be. Sheep on their own inevitably become victims. The fate of defenceless sheep is scattering, destruction and death.
Jesus therefore emphasises that the sheep need to be under the protection of the shepherd. The sole purpose of the shepherd is to ensure that the sheep, who are familiar to him, are protected and cared for. Our Lord uses the analogy of sheep and the shepherd to highlight the need for believers to look to him as the shepherd.
We need Christ our shepherd to protect us from the real but unexpected threats and attempts by Satan to destroy God’s people. Satan hates people and seeks for any opportunity to destroy God’s people. Only their trust in Jesus, the good shepherd, can protect them against their enemy.
Jesus does not only protect us but also gives us abundant life. Besides protecting us, he enriches our life spiritually as he ensures we are well fed on his word by the Holy Spirit. David reminds us in Psalm 23 that in the Lord our shepherd, we will not suffer any want because he blesses and protects us all the days of our life.
Let us therefore live each day of our life focused on Christ in whom we are well protected and blessed. Let us also not take our Lord’s protection and blessing for granted as we remain vigilant and watchful against the enemy.
Revd Soon Soo Kee 🙏