Day 19

“I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”
-John 8:12
I was driving to work on Monday and noticed that there were fewer cars on the road. I thought half of Singapore must be out of town!
Many of us have flown on an aeroplane before and remember parts of the safety announcement made by a crew member. One thing they mentioned is that in the event of an emergency, we are to follow the lights on the floor which will lead us to the emergency exit.
Today we are reminded that Jesus is the light and following Him will lead us to life. I remembered when I was diagnosed with breast cancer 14 years ago. I was overwhelmed in darkness but Jesus was there beside me, leading me each step of the way out of the darkness and into His light as I spent time reading and meditating on His word.
May we spend time reading and meditating His word today. We will see His light and experience indescribable joy as we enter into His presence!
Sandra Sng-Au 🙏