Day 22

“My times are in your hand; rescue me from the hand of my enemies and from my persecutors!”
-Psalm 31:15
Psalm 31 is one of trust in God.
David declares his trust in God and recognises God as “my” God – in first-person terms (v14). This is an indication of how personal his trust is. Do we have such a personal trust in God?
What then is the foundation of David’s trust? It is his recognition that his times i.e. life, is in God’s hand (v15). Every occurrence and experience in his life is under God’s control; hand being symbolic of power and authority. David then asks God to deliver him from his enemies who wish him ill.
Similarly, God, our Deliverer, is sovereign and holds all things in His hand. He is in control.
As we live in this troubled world, we too can trust God, and expect Him to deliver us. However, here’s a catch: God is sovereign, therefore, choices belong to Him, not us. Hence, how and when He chooses to deliver us is His choice. It may or may not be an instant deliverance; which we in our fast-paced world would much prefer. He does will for us to learn and grow from trials that we face too.
Yet we need not fear because God will ultimately deliver us. This may not be in the time and manner we expect but in His perfect time and plan.
Let us endeavour to trust our God, the Great I AM (Exodus 3:14) who delivers His people, and has a great purpose and plan for them. We can trust Him because He’s got the whole world in His hand!
Jerrold Quek 🙏