Day 21

“Do not be far from me, for trouble is near and there is no one to help.”
-Psalms 22:11
There are many troubles in the world today. Wars, rumours or wars, pestilences, famine, earthquakes, treasures destroyed by the moths and vermin of inflation and wealth stolen by cyber-thieves. Indeed, what has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. It’s just whether we remember them.
Seeking God for help is also not new. Just as David called out to God, we can too.
Today, God can be near when trouble is near, and help us when no one else can. This is not because we are good and holy, but because God is good and full of grace.
There was a man that God had to forsake. Scorned by everyone, despised and mocked by the people, insults hurled, mouth dried up, pierced in hands and feet and had clothes divided up. Ironically, He was not only good and holy but precious to God. This was done so that God can be near to us when trouble is near, and help us when no one can.
Amidst our troubles, let us not forget that we can always seek God for help because He is nearer to us than our troubles.
Peter Moey 🙏