Day 31

“Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.”
-Psalms 55:22
The Psalmist, David, began Psalm 55 by asking God to hear his prayer for he felt that God was far-off from him. He experienced no peace because at this point in his life as he was facing a power struggle with Ahithophel, his trusted associate and his own son, Absalom, who rebelled against him. Yet as the Psalm progresses, David poured out his desperation and sought God to deliver him from his enemies.
Towards the end of Psalm 55, David realised that there was peace and calmness amid the storms he encountered because he trusted God, even though he was in despair. David had every hope and confidence because he was convinced that his predicament did not rest in the hands of treacherous or rebellious men.
For each of us, as we will face the storms of this life, we will find peace when we keep our eyes firmly focus on God for, He is “the Founder and Perfecter of Our Faith” (Hebrews 12:2a). He will give us the strength to bear any difficult life circumstances. God is Lord over all, and He will uphold the righteous and judge the wicked as He will have the final word.
Within the span of the last two years, I also experienced life’s storm. But unlike David, it was not through rebellion or treacherous people around me. I lost two of my closest family members through unexpected deaths. I then questioned God why He allowed that to happen to the family because it caused so much grief and sadness to all of us. However, God spoke and reminded me in His Word that no matter what had happened, I needed to trust in His Sovereignty and His greater purposes. This verse is also special to me as it assures me that when I cast all my burdens and cares to Him, He will sustain me. I will only know the real reasons why it happened when I crossed over to the other side of eternity.
During this season of Lent, you may be distressed or experiencing some difficult life moments, be assured that He is there to sustain you to go through the difficult circumstances all the way to the end. He will never allow us to be moved. What burdens or cares of the world or life storms are you going through right now? Remember that “the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ears to dull to hear” (Isaiah 59:1). Therefore, cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7).
Dear God, in this season of Lent, I am reminded of my own difficulties and struggles. Sometimes the way seemed such a struggle for me to go through. Sometimes I feel like my life has been marked by such grief and pain, I don’t see how my circumstance can ever change. But amid the difficulties, I recognise You are Sovereign and in control of all things in my life. I am certain that as I cast all my burdens or cares to You, You will sustain me, for You are my Great Sustainer. Thank you for being with me in whatever I face. Give me eyes to see how You are at work in every one of my circumstances. Lord, also give me the perseverance to increase my understanding of You. I know as I go through difficult moments in my life, I can rely upon You and not lose sight of who You are. Just as the sun rises each day with its exact precision, help me to trust that You will also move in my life, in Your perfect timing and in Your beautiful way. In Jesus name. Amen.
Andrew Cheang 🙏