Day 25

“Lord, You have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.”
-Psalm 90:1
This prayer of Moses was almost certainly written during Israel’s wilderness years on their way to the Promised Land. In all those years, Israel lived in constant need of refuge, shelter, and protection. More than their tents and their armies, Israel had God as their dwelling place, refuge and protection. Throughout their forty years of wandering, their clothing did not wear out nor did their foot swell from walking. Water came out from a rock to quench their thirst and God fed them with manna from heaven to sustain them. (Deuteronomy 8)
In the last few months, the property boom and escalating housing prices in Singapore has largely been in the spotlight with government subsidized housing crossing the million-dollar mark. As I pondered on this verse, it is a good reminder to us not to put our security in earthly dwellings but to hope in God who richly provides for us. God’s dwelling place extends throughout all generations and that is more permanent and valuable than any freehold property!
At the same time, no one wants to be homeless and that should never be the state for any believer. We ought to extend hospitality to others who are in lack out of God’s love and generosity towards us.
Yet ultimately, we have our home in Him; and home should be a place where we can rest, be ourselves, find stability, place our trust in God and be assured of His permanence. All of these should mark our relationship with God. Let us find our home in God today!
Jenny Chow 🙏