Day 13

”Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with me;
fight against those who fight against me!”
-Psalm 35:1
David’s enemies had repaid him evil for good, and were seeking his destruction. Amidst the onslaught of hostilities, David did not take the fight into his own hands, but instead turned to God for vindication and prayed for the righteous Lord to defend his cause.
Like David, we too can expect opposition as we seek to obey God’s will in our lives. Jesus said, “A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you.” (John 15:20) This is because the world’s ways are diametrically opposed to God’s ways.
Perhaps you are experiencing unjust treatment or persecution in some form, whether from bosses, colleagues, school mates, neighbours or even family members, because of what you stand for as a disciple of Christ. In the midst of our trials, our human instincts may sometimes lead us to fight back against the unjust treatment in attempt to restore justice for ourselves.
But let us remember that we are not alone in the fight. The Lord is with us in the midst of our trials. He knows our struggles, He sees it all, and He is the righteous one who will ultimately vindicate us.
Therefore, let us stop fighting our own battles in life with our own human strength. Jesus knows every single battle in our lives however big or small, and is our sole defender. Today, let us surrender completely to the Lord and find our saving in Him alone!
Swee Pieu 🙏