Day 7

“Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings”
-Psalm 17:8
In Old English, the pupil of the eye (the round, dark center) was called the ‘apple’. When you look at someone intently, their reflection appears in your pupil. Also, the pupil is the most sensitive part of your eye and you will do everything possible to protect it from being hurt. So if someone is described as the ‘apple of your eye’, he or she is someone that you are extremely fond of and looking attentively at.
Psalm 17:8 reminds us that we are the “apple of God’s eye”.
How does it feel knowing we are watched so closely and fondly by God? It certainly warms our hearts and gives us hope knowing we are so special and precious in His eyes!
The second part of the verse describes how we can “hide in the shadows of his wings”, a metaphor for the protective refuge of God’s presence.
Yesterday, we experienced a period of continuous rain in Singapore. It was quite frightening being outdoors and getting caught in the rain pouring down in torrents. However once we have reached back home or to a safe place with shelter, there is an immediate sense of relief. I believe this is a glimpse of the comfort we can experience when we choose to seek refuge in the Lord and just dwell in Him. The rains and winds may still be there, but we are safe and at peace.
In our moments of loneliness and struggles that life may bring to us, let us find comfort and strength from God’s promise of protection and care in Psalm 17:8.
May we also yearn and seek God for the revelation of His love and peace each moment, because there is no better place to be than being the apple of God’s eyes and hiding in the shadow of His wings!
Yvonne Teo 🙏