Day 16

“In you, Lord my God, I put my trust.”
-Psalms 25:1
On the USD note, we will find these four words IN GOD WE TRUST printed on the back of the note. Do these words sound familiar to you? We often spout these four words without giving it a second thought.
King David had gone through much trouble and turmoil in his life. He had to escape from someone jealous of him and even from his own son who wanted to kill him. Yet he often used the word, ‘trust’ in many of his psalms. Besides the verse quoted above, Psalms 20:7 is another example: “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”
I remembered how I needed to look for a new job at 55 years of age. Being 55 years old was already a challenge and coupled with the covid measures, it was a test of my trust in God. Will someone employ me at my age and under such adverse circumstances?
One evening, while I was out jogging, I heard God say to me. “Now then, stand still and see this great thing the Lord is about to do before your eyes!” (1 Samuel 12:16). Within that week I went for two rounds of interviews and secured my current job as a counsellor in a well-established organisation. Praise the Lord!
• Is the Lord also speaking to you in this season of Lent to stand still and see the great thing the Lord is about to do before you?
• Can we truly profess IN GOD WE TRUST not written on a currency note but on the tablet of our hearts?
• Do we dare put our FAITH in Him today?
Jeremiah Deng 🙏