Day 33

“Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.”
-Psalm 126:6
The Psalmists moves from the image of a desert blossoming to a field yielding a harvest. He wants us to trust God when things look dry and hopeless.
As I am preparing for this devotion, I’m spending the final 2 weeks of my 6 weeks of leadership training for reservist. Everyday I’m reminded of humility & trusting God In difficult situations. There are days I question my decision to attend this training, being away from the comfort of home and family. It’s does feel like being in the desert.
In our quest for ongoing restoration, increasing sanctification, and conformity to Jesus Christ, trust is vital. We need to trust in God’s faithfulness and power as revealed in his word. The exercise of this trust will at times be painful. God will put us in situations where we feel desperation, perhaps even hopelessness. But this is for the purpose of building our hope.
I am reminded that in God we find hope. I know that God has proved faithful in the past. I trust God to be faithful in this new season. So we need to keep trusting and continue sowing in God’s kingdom, “knowing that our labour in the Lord is not in vain.” (1 Cor 15:58)
Winston Tay 🙏🏻