Day 5

Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.”
-John 5:8
An encounter with Jesus made all the difference. For thirty-eight years, the invalid had been waiting for an angel to stir the pool and someone else to lift him up so that he can be healed. Yet one word from Jesus made him fully well!
This Lent, let’s meet Jesus, hear His words and act on them. It made a difference to the invalid’s life. It will make a difference to our lives.
Get UP – Let us take respond to God’s word. Do you feel like an airplane that is taxiing on the runway, never taking off, getting nowhere? Its purpose is to lift up and get to its destination. Stuck? Wallowing in self-pity? Let’s take off! Lord, renew us once again. Let Ascension arise and shine. A light to the community.
Pick UP – Let us understand our responsibilities. Seek the Lord and fulfil our destinies. Ask Him what needs to be changed in our lives. Lift up the gates of salvation for our family and friends. O Lord, heal our ties and restore our families.
WALK – Let us exercise our muscles of faith. Let us step out of our comfort zones, pray giant-sized prayers and live to glorify God! Send your revival, Lord! Let us be hungry for souls and the nations.
The invalid did it by God’s grace! We look to you, O Lord! Send the Word!
Kia Wang🙏