Church of the Ascension Wedding Information

Church of the Ascension (COA) is happy that you have chosen to be married in our church. The Vicar has prepared this brochure of wedding policy to ensure that your wedding is as meaningful and beautiful as possible. We ask that you read this material carefully and cooperate fully with the church in upholding our standards.
The marriage ceremony at COA is a service of worship and celebration. All wedding preparations should be made with this fact in mind. We are happy to make our facilities and services available to you and would like to assist you in making your wedding a wonderful and memorable experience.
Biblical Foundation for Marriage
The Scriptures teach us that marriage is a gift of God in creation and a means of His grace, a holy mystery in which man and woman become one flesh. It is God’s purpose that, as husband and wife give themselves to each other in love throughout their lives, they shall be united in that love as Christ is united with His Church.
Marriage is given so that husband and wife may comfort and help each other, living faithfully together in need and in plenty, in sorrow and in joy. It is given so that with delight and tenderness, they may know each other in love and, through the joy of their bodily union, may strengthen the union of their hearts and lives. It is given so that they may have children and be blessed in caring for them and bringing them up in accordance with God’s will, to His praise and glory.
In marriage, husband and wife belong to each other and they begin a new life together in the community. It is a way of life that all should honour and it must not be undertaken carelessly, lightly or selfishly, but reverently, responsibly and after serious thought.
Who can get married at Church of the Ascension?
Members Wedding
A couple may apply to solemnise their marriage at COA if both parties are baptised Christians, either single or widowed, 21 years of age and above, and have not registered their marriage with the Registry of Marriages (ROM). At least one party should be a confirmed member of COA and worship here regularly.
Both parties must attend and complete the Marriage Preparation Course before the wedding.
Note: Couples who are anglicans but are non-members of Church of the Ascension, please contact the church for more information.
Wedding Scheduling
Wedding Coordinator
The couple’s first consultation must be with the COA’s Wedding Coordinator. The Coordinator will answer any questions about our facilities and confirm the availability of their wedding date. A one-time non-refundable deposit of S$250 (for non-members) or S$50 (for members) will be requested to reserve the date on the church calendar. The cost of booking our facilities for a non-member is $3600.
Weddings will not be scheduled for the following days: During Lent and the Holy Week (between Palm Sunday and Easter), and on Sundays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, and all public holidays.
The Coordinator will then make an appointment for the couple to meet with the Vicar.
The marriage service is a worship service and the music should be chosen carefully with this in mind. There is a great wealth of appropriate music and our friendly staff member and musicians are available to make suggestions and assist in the selection of service music. If desired, the congregation may be invited to join in the singing of hymns at the beginning and conclusion of the service.
If having live accompaniments or performance is not possible, pre-recorded music will be considered, subject to approval of COA. There will be a sound technician provided.
Celebration of the Eucharist (Holy Communion)
While the celebration of the Eucharist is not a regular part of the traditional rite of marriage used by most Anglican Churches in Singapore, it is most appropriate at this time of great celebration and thanksgiving. We can arrange to incorporate it into the service for the wedding couple.
As a wedding is a celebration of Christian worship, the decorations should not overwhelm or detract. In keeping with this conviction, we ask that the following guidelines be adhered to when decorations are made:
- The Chancel furniture must not be moved. The Bible and altar candles must remain on the altar.
- Protective clear plastic must be placed beneath candles and candelabras so that dripping wax will not cause damage.
- Plants placed on the floor or on the flower stands must be placed on a protective covering which will ensure no damage done by water or soil.
- We recommend that only two arrangement of flowers be placed in the altar area and that the arrangements be in proportion to the altar to enhance rather than conceal it. No decorations may be placed on the altar or communion rails.
- Decorations on the pews should be used with extreme care so as not to mar or mark the furnishings. No ticks, pins, nails, strong glue or tape may be used to fasten any decorations to the furniture or building.
- All decorations, flowers, candles and any other items must be removed as soon as possible, following the wedding. (If the wedding is set for Friday or Saturday, the flowers may be left for the Sunday worship services.)
- The church properties must be left in the condition in which they are first found.
Only the official photographer is permitted to take photographs in the sanctuary during the wedding service. The presence and movement of the official photographer should not be disruptive to the service, affecting the spirit and mood of the ceremony.
Rehearsals are scheduled to avoid conflict with other weddings and church programmes. The bride and groom should insist that the wedding party arrive early and be prepared to begin on time for the rehearsal as well as the wedding. Under most circumstances, a rehearsal is completed in one hour. The rehearsal is not the place to plan the service or discuss changes. The order of worship and options should be discussed with the officiating Vicar prior to the rehearsal.
Marriage License
The wedding license may be obtained from ROM. Please contact ROM for more information regarding the fee and other requirements.
Marriage application MUST be made on-line at website no less than 3 weeks before the wedding date. You would need to submit a letter of consent to solemnise the marriage signed by your Vicar.
We recommend that the marriage license be given to the presiding Vicar on the night of the rehearsal.
If there is a desire to use Lee Kuo Chuan Hall and/or Multi-purpose Hall for the wedding reception, the wedding coordinator has to be informed when the wedding date is reserved on the calendar.
The use of alcoholic beverages and smoking are not permitted on the church premises.
We strongly advise against using rice, confetti, birdseed or other similar materials in the church, in consideration of the possibility of someone slipping on such materials and being injured. Bubbles may be used outside the Sanctuary only.
Steps to take before confirmation of wedding date:
- meet with the Wedding Coordinator
- meet with Vicar performing ceremony
- return required wedding forms
- meet with the Staff musician and/or the church organist
Closing Blessings from the Vicar
Your wedding is a sacred occasion for you before God, in the presence of your families and friends in the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ. We as the family of God stand ready to help you in this important event in your life. May God bless you on this significant day and through all your married life together.
updated: 4th Feb 2023.