“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” Galatians 4:4-5
God has a perfect timetable. We may be uncertain or even anxious about what is to come in our lives, but God knows what is best and works out everything according to his plan.
And in his perfect time, God enacted his saving plan for us. He did this by sending his Son Jesus Christ under very specific circumstances. Jesus was:
- Born of a woman so that he is as fully human as all of us are and can fully identify with us
- Born under the law so that he can be the Saviour of both the Jews as well as the Gentiles
All of these intentions require very detailed planning… so detailed that it is beyond our human wisdom or abilities to do or even comprehend. No living human being can ever forsee every aspect needed to achieve God’s will!
And God does this to bring all of us back to himself as his children. This shows how good, merciful and loving our God is!
As we embark on our work and life this week, let us remember and rest in the truth of how God is so sovereign, wise and gracious towards us!
Is there anything that you are uncertain or even anxious about? Pray and entrust that to the hand of the Father who knows, has a plan and cares for every aspect of your life.
Have a blessed week ahead🙏