Dear COA Family, Praise God that after two years of restrictions, we are finally allowed to have everyone coming together for on-site services! It has…
Dear COA Family, In the past three and a half months since I first joined COA, my family and I have been so welcomed by…
Recently, I discovered that there is a close relationship between the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) and the death and resurrection of Jesus…
Dear COA Family, This will be quite an unusual weekly devotion from me, but a necessary one, I believe. While we are called by God…
Dear COA Family, Who is a truly good shepherd? Is he the wisest, the most energetic or the most charismatic person around? No, it is…
Family likeness is a given. This means that children will resemble their parents in some ways. I have often heard people say to me, “Isaac…
“I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt! And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for…
Dear COA Family, How can we pray for the ongoing war in Ukraine? This question is not as simple as it looks. While it is…
Dear COA Family, As we enter the season of Lent, we are reminded to slow down our hectic lifestyles, still our anxious hearts and cease…
Dear COA Family, For those of you who have followed the Winter Olympics Games in Beijing which ended last week, I’m sure you would have…