Lenten Devotion – Jesus Did It All
Day 21, 8 March 2024
“Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.” Hebrews 7:25
Hebrew 7 shows us the futility of the Levitical priesthood and the fruitfulness of Jesus as our Perfect High Priest. The Levitical priests are falliable, having to offer sacrifice day after day, first for their own sins , then for the sins of the people. The Levitical priesthood is transient and cannot make us righteous.
In contrast, the priesthood of Jesus is everlasting and permanent. Jesus is holy, blameless, pure and set apart from sinners. He offers himself as a sacrifice for our sins. Jesus is both the priest and the sacrifice. Jesus establishes a superior covenant over the Law of Moses, making us righteous before God.
As we reflect on the obedience and sacrifice of Jesus in this period of Lent, let us remember it is not what we do that matters but what Christ has accomplished on that old rugged cross that counts.
Jesus continues his work in us by interceding for us. He represents us before God so that we remain righteous. He defends us against the evil intents of Satan. He strengthens us in our faith. Let us open the doors of our heart to experience the wonders of his love.
At the visitation ministry, I am often blessed and encouraged by the hope and joy in Jesus that I sense among the senior housebound Ascensionaires. Their fraility does not stop them from praising and worshipping God and trusting in Him.
- How abundant is the grace of fruitfulness of abiding in Christ!
- How precious it is to live with eternity in mind!
- How wonderful it is to depend on Jesus alone!
Doris Sim