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Dear COA Family,

Is there a place for us as Christians to seek the Lord?

I mean, does God wants or even expects us to look for him earnestly so that we can encounter him more deeply and personally?

I believe that there is such a place for us to take the initiative to seek the Lord and therefore grow in our relationship with him.

Take for example two events recorded in the Gospel of Luke.

A blind beggar from birth at a roadside heard that Jesus was passing by. Ignoring the differences between his status and Jesus’, he started shouting at the top of his voice, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” (Lk 18:36) Those around him urged him to keep quiet but he cried out all the more.

Amazingly, Jesus actually stopped and ordered that the man be brought to him. Jesus even gave him a chance to articulate what he wanted, despite it being obvious that the man was blind. Without hesitation, the man replied, “Lord, I want to see.” (Lk 18:40) Jesus immediately fulfilled his wish and healed him.

Soon after that Jesus entered the city of Jericho. A tax collector named Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus. Even though he was known to have great wealth, he climbed a tree to catch a glimpse of Jesus. He was willing to risk suffering shame and ridicule from others just to see Jesus.

Jesus, too, surprisingly stopped at that very tree and told Zacchaeus that he would go to his house and eat with him. Salvation came that day not only to Zacchaeus but also his entire household because he took the step of faith to seek God!

Many people I have met in my course of pastoring take the opposite approach. They tell me, “If the Lord wants to meet with me, he can always create the opportunities to do so. Or he could simply appear to me and speak to me. I shouldn’t have to do anything!”

Yes, God may be willing to speak to us, but we should not take his mercy for granted and be apathetic about our faith. Instead, we should have the strong desire and initiative to seek him. It is when we are willing to give up our all and take the step of faith that we show our sincerity and earnestness in seeking him. And he will answer us.

The Lord says through his prophet Jeremiah about the secret to encountering him: “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jer 29:13)

Church, there is a place for us God’s redeemed people to seek the Lord with all of our hearts. There is a place for us to be desperate for God’s presence in our lives. And if, like the persistent widow, we seek him without giving up, the Lord would be in time reveal himself to us.

Have a blessed week ahead!

Revd Ian