Dear COA family,
What happens if we fail to keep our promises to God?
The reason I am posing this question is related to the current season of Lent that we are in. More specifically, it is related to the spiritual disciplines expected of us in this season, like fasting and prayer. I suspect that many of us shun fasting because we are afraid that we will not be able to fulfil what we have committed to do. We are afraid that it will be like ditching a New Year’s resolution the very next day after the New Year!
Perhaps it is also our performance-driven culture, our fear of failure or even our pride that drives us to want to be perfect in all that we do. This causes us to be cautious about starting something that we are not a hundred percent sure of succeeding. However, in God’s kingdom, God does not view failure in the same way that we do.
Imagine a toddler learning to walk. As he takes his first steps, he stumbles and falls repeatedly. He needs to be held up by his parents along the entire way.
Then, imagine the reaction of his parents and grandparents looking on. Would any of them be reprimanding the toddler for stumbling and failing to walk properly? Wouldn’t they be encouraging him and cheering him on for every successful step he takes?
And why is this so? It is because these are the very first steps of the toddler. You would never expect someone who is just learning to walk to do it perfectly well at the first try. And it is only through much falling that the toddler can learn how to walk.
It is the same way with God. He does not condemn us because of our mistakes and failures. Instead, he pours forth his encouragement and love upon us in greater measure when we fall. He will not allow us to utterly fall when we trust in him!
Psalms 27:23-24 says:
“The Lord makes firm the steps
of the one who delights in him;
though he may stumble, he will not fall,
for the Lord upholds him with his hand.”
So, friends, don’t be afraid to step forth in faith in this season of Lent to embark on a fast. The Lord who is the Spirit knows how difficult it is for you and will lead, guide and strengthen you through this endeavour. Trust in his mighty power alone and don’t be discouraged or disheartened by your mistakes and imperfections.
Instead, when you stumble, know that you are stumbling into the grace of God and that he looks not disapprovingly upon your failures but lovingly on your growth in him. That is how God acts towards you as your Father in heaven.
God bless,
Revd Ian