Dear COA Family, We will be entering into a most significant season of the Christian Calendar – Lent – in a few days’ time. It is a…
Dear COA family, Does God hear the prayers of unbelievers? The answer is… yes, he does! Cornelius was definitely not a Christian yet his prayers…
Is forgiving another person’s offense towards us a one-time event or an ongoing process? A quick answer to this question is it depends. If God is…
Dear COA family, Are there differing standards of good behaviour required of believers as compared to non-believers? Recently, I have heard a youth in our…
Dear COA family, Are you open to changing your mind or accepting a different perspective, especially on something that is important? I hope that you…
Dear COA Family, Blessed Chinese New Year! According to the Chinese zodiac, this is the Year of the Snake. There are many superstitious beliefs associated with…
Dear COA Family, How do we know when we have received what we have asked from God? Or how do we know whenGod has answered…
Dear COA Family, In the Gospels, Jesus often reserved his harshest criticisms for the Pharisees and teachers of the Law. What was his main complaint…
Dear COA Family, Time flies. We are at the last Sunday of 2024 and ready to embark on a new year. At Christmas Day Service last…
Dear COA Family, How do you encourage someone who is down? Often we say words that attempt to bring immediate comfort and assurances, such as…