Starting from 1 January 2022, our Ascension Kindergarten would come under the management of the Anglican Preschool Services (APS). This arrangement is not something new, as our Ascension Kindercare had gone through the same process in 2020. To this effect, there was an official signing of the Transfer of License Agreement (TOL) between Bishop and the APS and the Memorandum of Understanding (TOL) between the Vicars and APS held on 18 August 2021.
APS was formed by our Diocese to manage all our Anglican preschools. Our Diocese has recognised that individual parishes found it hard to run their preschools due to the increasing complexity of the task. The preschool landscape had changed drastically and continues to change at a rapid pace. Parishes on their own face the real threat of closing down their preschools. However, with all Anglican preschools coming together under one professional management, we stand a chance of meeting or even surmounting these challenges owing to the synergy of our collective effort.
The parishioners can be assured that there is no change in ownership as our two preschools still belong to us. As in our Diocesan practice, the Bishop holds all the preschool licenses on our behalf. That is why Bishop, on behalf of the parishes, signs the TOL with APS which authorises APS to manage our preschools in the areas of staff, curriculum and governance. By professionally managing these areas for us, our church can now concentrate on the main reason why we have the preschools, that is, to share the love of Christ with our students and their parents. This is called the chaplaincy role. All the chaplaincy fruits of our preschools would be channelled back to our church. Next, there are many levels of ensuring that APS fulfils its role. APS is duty-bound to work closely with our church through the MOU which spells out comprehensively the areas of responsibility. The Diocese oversees the APS through the APS Board, comprising of clergy and laity. Dr Peter Moey is our representative to the Board. Finally, the APS reports to the Synod, where all parishes have their Synod Representatives and clergy present to hold APS to account. At our end, our preschools will continue to report to us at the AGM, and our current Management Committee, divested of its management role, will still meet with our preschools principals to discuss the chaplaincy work and other matters of concern. This MC will also meet with the APS and its Chaplaincy division on a regular basis.
Our Diocese Digest will devote its feature to the APS in its forthcoming issue. The feature articles would provide a comprehensive view of the APS and our preschools. Please look out for it! In the meantime, you may contact the Vicar, Dianne our AK principal, Theresa our AKC principal or Andrew Tay the CEO of APS if you feel the need to do so. Please do pray for the APS and our preschools that they will flourish and continue to provide quality education in a loving Christian environment to preschoolers.