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Dear COA Family,

Blessed Chinese New Year!

According to the Chinese zodiac, this is the Year of the Snake. There are many superstitious beliefs associated with such a view which I shall not detail.

However, for the Christian, what does the Scriptures say?

According to the Gospel of Luke, quoting from the prophet Isaiah, each year that we live in this world is the Year of the Lord’s favour (Luke 4:19). It is not a year of God’s condemnation or judgment for all of our wrong thoughts and behaviours. That only comes about when the Lord Jesus returns physically on the earth. So until then, we live under the grace, forgiveness and favour of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

What does the Year of the Lord’s favour mean?

It means that God’s wisdom, provision, strength and help are present for each and every one of us in all circumstances to turn to Him and accomplish His good will in our lives. There is no distinction or discrimination – God’s favour is for all members of the human race!

Why is this important?

As we go around visiting or hosting relatives and loved ones, it is such a good opportunity to extend God’s welcome and hospitality to them. But first, let us view others afresh with the Lord’s perspective. His favour is abundantly extended towards them. Even the most hardened of hearts or wayward of men can be touched and convicted by the love of God. We must never limit the Spirit’s power to save or heal.

How can we appropriate God’s favour for others this year?

Commit those you are reaching out to each day to the Lord in prayer. Believe that God will grant you divine opportunities and use them wisely and courageously when they appear. Listen to their struggles, empathise with them and share God’s promises and the gospel when appropriate. Invite them to our church services or cell groups. Urge them to respond to God’s invitation urgently if they are hesitant. Finally, always end with a spoken prayer of blessing for them. This way, we are sowing seeds that will bear fruit in ages yet unknown.

May the words of the Apostle Paul serve as a good reminder for us this year:
“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God” 2 Corinthians 5:20.

Have a favourable CNY!

Revd Ian