Lenten Devotion – Be Courageous to Share Your Testimony
Day 3 – 7 Mar 2025
So the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people, “Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?” John 4:28-29
To many of us, sharing our testimony is scary as we are afraid of being judged by others. I too find sharing my testimony scary, because I am afraid that my friends will judge me, turn down my invitation to church, or worse still, cut me off as a friend!
However, when I shared my testimony with my friends, I realised that my fears were unfounded. None of them judged me, and certainly none of them stopped being friends with me. To my surprise, three of them agreed to come to church last year. One of them even initiated visiting church services without my invitation, because she was interested to find out more about the Christian faith. Praise the Lord!
The Samaritan woman was not afraid of being judged. Despite her sinful past, she boldly shared about Jesus with the people in her town. Upon hearing her testimony, many people left the town to find Jesus (v30). They even believed in Jesus because of her testimony (v39), eventually hearing and believing for themselves that He is the Christ (v41).
Earlier in this passage, Jesus tells his disciples that the fields are ready for harvest (v35). Whether we’re students, working adults, or stay at home parents, we have been placed where we are for a purpose: to share the good news and God’s love with those around us. Sometimes, all it takes is to simply share our testimonies with those around us, just like the Samaritan woman did.
It may not be easy, but let us have bold faith like the Samaritan woman and trust that the Lord’s power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Cor 12:9).
Amelia Ee🙏✝️